If you have a professional job such as working within an office, or you are a lawyer or any other job where you need to look neat and presentable, you need to have a clean-cut and shave. It is part of your job requirement and is expected that as a professional you will maintain that specific appearance. It holds the same value as wearing formals to the office. Keeping a clean-cut and shave can be a difficult job due to lack of time and sometimes lack of effort. We have come up with a few tips that will help you maintain a clean and fresh look for your job.
- Wash Your Face
When aiming for a clean and long-lasting shave, you always need to wash your face. When you wash your face, you eliminate the dead skin cells and dirt from your face, which may have become a barrier while shaving and would have affected the quality of the shave. By washing your face with either a mild soap or face wash, you eliminate the oil from your face. This helps with the shave and keeps it going longer and gives a cleaner look. Another advantage of washing your face is that it cleanses your pores which lead to no ingrown hair.
- Blade
Using a new blade will always give you a cleaner shave. This is because the unused blade is sharper. This leads to removing all the hair from your face in one go and getting as close to the skin as possible. You can even buy safety razors online. Using a new blade will also prevent any inflammation and give you smoother skin.
- Moisturise
Many men do not realise this, but moisturising is very important for your skin as well as for shaving. When you moisturise your skin or shave within the shower, your hair is softer at the time. This makes it easier to cut and gives you a cleaner and smoother look. The moisturiser also enables the razor to get as close to the skin as possible meaning a longer-lasting shave.
- Alcohol Products
It is suggested to avoid alcohol-containing products. This is because when a product contains alcohol, it is more likely to cause razor burns or other inflammation which can easily be avoided with non-alcoholic products. If you use foamless shaving cream and find with ingredients that suit your skin, it will give you smooth and clean skin.
- After-shave
As mentioned above, it is wise to not use alcohol-based products on your face because they will make you feel like your face is on fire. However, it is smart to use lotion-based products or balms as an aftershave as these will protect your skin from inflammation and razor burns as well as give you smooth and clear skin for the days to come.