Communication is integral to any relationship; it enables us to connect with others and resolve conflict. Speaking of conflict, many couples struggle with communication, which poses a difficult challenge for them. This is where couples counseling comes in, as it allows both parties to openly talk about their communication problems and rebuild their connection in a safe space.
Understanding How Communication is Used as a Powerful Tool in Couples Counseling
For those eyeing attending couples counseling in Melbourne but still undecided, this article will enlighten you on the benefits. Admit it; we all gave the silent treatment, not just to our partner but sometimes even among our family members and friends, but nothing ever gets resolved if you keep quiet and bottle your feelings. The tension in your home gets so palpable that even your dog doesn’t feel at home when this happens.
Couples counseling serves as a guide for those who have a hard time expressing their thoughts and feelings openly; by learning to do so, the two can create a foundation of trust and intimacy.
During these sessions, a skilled therapist will facilitate communication between the couples while also identifying their concerns and tackling the root of the communication problems that are hindering their relationship. Some of the common problems most couples suffer from include:
Criticism. Sometimes, when we get overwhelmed by negative emotions, we’d rather pick at the negative traits and flaws our partner has rather than directly address the problem. What’s worse is that things said in the heat of the moment cut deeper, which can wedge the two of you further apart.
Contempt. Another hurtful thing couples do to each other is talk to them disdainfully, mock them, or hurl insults at them. Some also use sarcasm to make fun of the other party, which is also another form of contempt.
Defensiveness. Then there’s also avoiding responsibility and becoming defensive, blaming the whole problem on your partner. The more reactive you are, the more you tend to pin the blame on the other person, which just makes things worse.
Stonewalling. As the final nail in the coffin, some people would rather not address the problem at all by choosing to walk away and avoid conflict altogether. Sure, this ballooning effect may diffuse a tense situation, but it also makes you bottle up your feelings, which will one day burst.
What are some useful communication techniques for couples?
Once you recognize the aforementioned patterns, the couple can learn how to interact better with each other, communicating more effectively this time. Here are some helpful techniques to address the situation:
Listening actively. First, it’s important to treat the first party wholeheartedly without interrupting or judging them.
Being more empathic. Put yourself in their shoes for a moment; try to understand where they are coming from.
Taking accountability. You need to own up to your feelings and express them openly without blaming your significant other.
Recognizing body language. Finally, noting body language is also crucial; be mindful of your tone and also take note of their facial expressions and tone of voice.
Rome wasn’t built in a day; similarly, a couple’s problems wouldn’t get resolved easily, which is why attending couples counseling sessions is beneficial for a healthy relationship.