There are a lot of hobbies that turn into financial pursuits. It’s a wise decision if you think about it. Turning passion into something more beneficial that is not just beyond your personal satisfaction or achievement. So those hobbies include photography, music, traditional and digital art, graphic designing, or everything under a work field that requires imagination, innovation, and artistic expression that could easily be copied or stolen. How do we prevent it? With the assistance of a legal speciality, of course.
It’s hard to let your hard work just be stolen by others or worse, even benefit from them- as simple as using your art and making it as a design in mugs or tote bags would truly wrench your heart. That is why we have to ensure that your intellectual property is protected by copyrights, trademarks, and other intellectual property rights. One thing is for sure, studio legal creative lawyers are here to help!
So what should you expect from lawyers regarding your creatives?
Protecting Intellectual Property
This is truly the most essential one and pillar of all. You must secure and enforce your right to maintain your ownership of your art. Moreover, they could also ensure that you are not being exploited by others due to your work without proper authorisation or compensation. They are truly handy in knowing your boundaries and getting what you deserve. Remember to not think lowly of your creation. It deserves to be protected.
Securing Fair Negotiation
They will ensure that you get fair and equitable compensation. Moreover, they will assist in making sure the artists are given due credit for their creations, which is crucial and strategic for their reputation and future employment prospects.
Minimising Risk and Avoiding Disputes
Reviewing contracts is one of the things that are routinary to them, they do it to identify potential pitfalls and negotiate terms that are favourable to the creator. Moreover, they could help resolve disputes, especially when there are copyright infringement claims or contract breaches, mostly due to negotiation, mediation, or litigation.
Providing Guidance and Support
They are really beneficial in providing long-term career goals and strategies and assisting in negotiating the challenges of the creative and entertainment sectors.
Due to the benefits they could provide, they are most likely to be costly. Especially due to their hourly rates, which vary significantly on their experience, specialisation, and even location. The complexity of the case will also be weighed down due to the required time and effort, which then would result in higher legal fees. Then of course, when other costs are involved, such as court filing fees, expert witness fees, and travel expenses.
However, it is important to note that the cost of not having legal counsel might have much worse consequences. In certain situations, not hiring a lawyer may result in negative consequences including losing a lawsuit, being fined, or even imprisonment. That’s why it’s better to be safe than never, investing in something for yourself, especially one that is a fruit of your hard work wouldn’t be a bad thing if you think about it in the future. Just consult and discuss your specific needs and obtain fee estimates before making the final decision.