When driving on the road, nobody expects to get involved in an auto accident. No matter how good or how experienced a driver you are, there is always a possibility that you may find yourself getting involved in an accident. Car accidents can happen anytime, so it is up to the driver to know just what they have to do in case they ever find themselves in one.
Those who are residing in the state of Victoria, Australia, it is imperative that they be aware that if they have been injured or hurt in an auto accident, they can easily make a claim asking for compensation from the TAC (also known as Transport Accident Commission).
What Is The TAC?
The TAC is a renowned organisation operated by the Victorian State Government. This organization pays a certain amount of compensation for the injuries sustained due to a car accident. The amount can be used towards the costs incurred for treatments or for any other services that the injured person may have to pay due to the car accident. If the injured person requires treatment or service that will contribute towards their recovery, the TAC will deem it reasonable to accept the claim and give the compensation.
TAC is dedicated to offering the people with support to help them recover from the car accident and carry on with their life. If the person wishes to, they can get in touch with a u-LAW traffic accident lawyer to help them with their claim.
Who Is Applicable To Make A TAC Claim?
A TAC claim can be made if:
- You, or someone that you represent, was found to be involved in an auto, bus, tram, or train accident, and
- You, or someone that you represent, got injured or expired in an accident.
Cyclists and pedestrians who got injured or expired in an auto, bus, tram, or train accident will also be covered by the TAC.
Interstate accidents
A TAC claim can be made if:
- A resident of Victoria was injured or expired in an interstate accident where the involved vehicle was Victorian registered, or
- A person in a Victorian registered motor vehicle got injured or passed away in an interstate accident.
How to make Your TAC claim
Although it is understandable that you are in a state of shock due to the accident, it is imperative that you collect the required information needed to make your TAC claim.
- Accident details – the circumstances, location, and injuries
- Details such as names of all the occupants, and registration numbers of the cars involved,
- Details provided by witnesses of the accident
- Employment and income details in the situation where you took off from work for more than 5 days because of the accident
- Bank details
- The name of your health professional you visited for the injuries.