Your teeth and gums are directly affected more than any other part of the body by what you eat. Starch and sugars act as efficient high-energy foods for both you and the bacteria that live in your mouth. These can go on to cause tooth decay and gum disease.
Bacteria are not the only problem you need to contend with. Plaque is formed of bacteria and other materials and it forms a sticky, invisible film over your teeth. When you eat sugars and starches, they come into contact with the plaque and acid forms. Even after you have finished eating, these acids attack your teeth and cause damage for 20 minutes.
The good news is that there are some foods that actually help to prevent plaque from building up. If you are unsure about any of the following always consult with an expert like the dentists at Pure Dentistry to learn more.
Fibre-Rich Fruits and Vegetables
Foods that are high in fibre help clean your gums and your teeth. They also assist in the production of saliva which helps prevent debris build-up when eating.
In particular, crunchy fruit and vegetables like apples and carrots work well. The extra effort taken to eat the food helps dislodge plaque and evenly distribute saliva around the mouth.
Fruits like strawberries are a natural teeth whitening agent and can whiten and clean your teeth from built-up stains. Its all thanks to malic acid found inĀ strawberries. The natural occurring acid breaks down the particles on your teeth that form stains.
All dairy is good for your teeth. The calcium and phosphates in these products help restore the minerals in your teeth that other foods remove. Additionally, calcium is an essential mineral for restoring tooth enamel.
Cheese also has the property of raising your mouth’s pH. This means that it is harder for acid to form, limiting tooth decay. Like with other foods that you have to chew, cheese helps with saliva production.
Yoghurt is like cheese as a good source of calcium and protein that helps restore tooth enamel. However, yoghurt is also a source of beneficial bacteria which help to remove that other bacteria that causes cavities. Just make sure that any yoghurt you buy is sugar-free.
Green and Black Tea
Both green and black tea contain polyphenols which help fight against plaque bacteria. They work by either killing it or preventing it from growing. When bacteria cannot grow, it cannot create acid that attacks your teeth. In some places, the water you use to brew your tea will contain fluoride which carries even more benefits.
Leafy Greens
Leafy greens are a common choice for many reasons. Particularly, kale and spinach help to keep your mouth healthy. Like dairy products, they are high in calcium. For pregnant women, these sources of folic acid and vitamin B have been found to help prevent and fight gum disease.
Foods with Fluoride
Whenever fluoride is added to water, it helps your teeth. Fluoride is one of the key ways to help fight decay. These benefits are transferred to foods that are cooked in it like boiled vegetables. Concentrated fruit-juices that are low in sugar and dehydrated soups are also great ways to receive these benefits.