COVID-19 and the deadliness that it has spread all across the world is, indeed, a havoc in the modern world. No sane person would ever want themself or any of their family members to contract this cursed virus ever even after the vaccine is invented. Only a serious patient and the doctor attending him or her can really know how painful it must be to have your lungs all tightened up and your breath choked like someone has put a thick sponge in that larynx.
Protecting yourself and trying to avoid coming in contact with this cruel virus is, therefore, the only possible means to avoid the future dilemmas. There are a number of safety practices that you can adopt to make sure that the virus cannot affect you for as long as possible. If you are someone who knows most of them and is adept enough in the medical field, we suggest you to read on before you go further looking for medical recruitment agencies for yourself.
Here are some of the best tips to stay away from the virus as much as possible. While some of these tips may look a bit insane or crazy to you, trying them out is surely a great way to keep yourself fit in these tough times.
- Wash your hands and Sanitize everything
If there is something way too easy to keep you protected from this virus, it is immense sanitization. Make sure to wash your hands after every 20 minutes with a good germ-disinfecting soap and use sanitizer every half an hour when out of your home or when in contact with people who you think might be infected. Sanitize your door knobs, your keys, and your floors every time they come in contact with an external element to make sure there is not trace of viral affect left on them at all.
- Stay at Home
This one might be very hard especially if you have been an extrovert all your life. However, these times are tough and expect us all to leave our comfort zones. Living inside your homes with nothing to do since most of the offices and schools are now closed is very hard. Try to spend your time in a productive way by either finding a new habit or doing an online course. You can also look up for some of the fastest growing skills in the modern day world and try learning them on your own.
- Try to shift your job to your home
No, we are not asking you to leave your job especially if you don’t have any other option of earning your bread and butter. However, you can try doing so if you have enough resources to sustain life for some months and a creative startup idea to work on. Find some of the most amazing financing options for your startup and become an entrepreneur in this dire time. Again, this one might not be a workable solution for everyone but may come in handy if carried out with a bit of smartness.